CRM Studios is your IRL Destination for Virtual Conferences and Events

Because of the current COVID-19 crisis, Dallas video production company CRM Studios has pivoted to help produce, shoot and broadcast a host of different virtual conferences, meetings and events over the past 6 months. This shift has helped both our established clients as well as new ones continue to communicate and function as effectively and safely as possible in the midst of a global pandemic.

Our Dallas video production team has been trained thoroughly in safety procedures for media production during COVID-19. All local and statewide safety measures are observed at all times. We don’t treat such measures as a burden; our mission at CRM Studios is to go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our clients and our team members.
Our pivot has helped a broad list of companies make the necessary jump from in-person functions to online events and virtual conferences. Here are just a few recent examples:
- Alcon Labs was one of our first clients to embrace the new paradigm. We recorded a virtual conference for them back in April.
- American Heart Association’s annual Kids Heart Challenge usually travels from school to school to encourage heart healthy habits and raise funds for research. By May, remote learning had them pivot to a virtual presentation this year.
- In September, GameStop brought their annual Store Manager’s Conference & Expo to an online conference platform as well.
- CRM Studios hosted the Annual Meeting for the Irving – Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce in October, their first virtual annual meeting.
- Also in October, Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation’s 21st Annual Celebrating Women event “went virtual,” featuring a remote appearance and interview with Dr. Oz.
- October was an especially full month for CRM Studios. It was capped off by BRIT, the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, presenting their 2020 International Award of Excellence in Conservation via a “hybrid gala” featuring a shared dinner distributed to virtual and in-person attendees.
These are just a few of the dozen or so virtual conferences and events CRM Studios has helped produce over the last half of 2020. Put our virtual conference services to work to ensure the safety of employees, clients and customers while delivering your message in a compelling and professional way.
Contact CRM Studios today to get started. Our Dallas video production team is ready to help.