Testimonials Are Back (But With a Twist)

A tried-and-true advertising technique, testimonials, are back.
The traditional testimonial philosophy is pretty straightforward. Be it a business leader, flamboyant athlete, trusted public figure, famous actor or social media influencer, as long as they are well known, their opinions can sell.
Who can forget the scandalous (at the time) Hanes Beautymist pantyhose commercial, featuring New York Jets quarterback “Broadway” Joe Namath?
While the power of testimonials continues to grow, Dallas video production company CRM Studios is noticing one big difference in this digital age. Instead of relying on celebrities, who can slip off that pedestal or be “cancelled” in an instant, marketers today rely on everyday people like you and me.
Who Do We Trust?
Trust in organizations, elected officials, millionaire athletes, famous musicians and Hollywood stars is at its lowest. Today we turn to ordinary people for the truth. People like us, who live with the same problems, face the same challenges and understand how to cope. At least we think they do.
Part of the reason for this seismic shift is technology. In this fast-paced, real-time, instant feedback, social media driven world, anyone with a smartphone can broadcast their opinion around the world at the speed of light.
Back in the day, it was Karl Malden telling us the virtues of American Express Travelers Checks.
Today it’s a mother of three in Missouri we trust. Why? We believe she really has an American Express Card and really uses the rewards to help her family. She is believable because we can identify with her.
Brand marketers have gotten into the swing using adorable or quirky actors like Flo for Progressive Insurance or Lily for AT&T. These characters were believable and quickly grew to be celebrities in their own right.
Testimonials resonate strongly in the medical field. Whether you’re promoting a new, blade-free eye surgery procedure, a topical ointment to clear skin blemishes, or the outstanding features of the new maternity ward of your local hospital, consumers are far more likely to listen to someone if they had first-hand experience with these products, procedures, and premises. For virtually all industries, testimonials are back.
Quality Matters
One thing that can harm even the best testimonial is the quality of the video. A reliable, highly believable testimonial falls if it looks like it was shot with an old iPhone in someone’s slightly dark office. It may look genuine, but a little shady as well.
You want quality peer testimonials, and that’s what CRM Studios delivers:
Combining the power of the new testimonial with high quality video is what CRM Studios does. As a proven video production company we have witnessed time and again that when a genuine employee or customer relates their experience in a quality format, consumers relate.Visit us today. Let us prove it to you.